Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Platform Güney Kore'de tartışıldı

Frame Builders
Project in Two Parts: Workshop and Exhibition
Insa Art Space of the Arts Council Korea

Textual Matrix
May 24, 25, 26 and 30, 2006
Textual Matrix
Dr. Friedrich Meschede, Curator of Visual Arts, DAAD B�ro Berlin, daadgalerie, Berlin, Germany
Kestutis Kuizinas, Director, Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius, Lithuania
November Paynter, Curator, Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey
Perry Lowe, Director of Communications, Eyebeam, New York, USA

Textual Matrix is a workshop that pursues the inquiry into the activities of four contemporary art institutions worldwide. Stemming from practical queries on the functions and directions of the IAS, this workshop extends the internal issues of the IAS to broader issues surrounding the �art institution� in general and its searching for a new orientation, a new identity and a new function demanded by the art world. Invited from Germany, Lithuania, Turkey, and the United States, these institutions foster their own particular identities while maintaining a balanced interaction between the local and the global, the arts and the related fields, museums and alternative spaces, and forge their own unique public communities. The models of bold choice, experimentation, and specialized practice these institutions provide are important references in assessing the complex problems of the public and art institutions, the public in the arts, and the practical and productive functions of art institutions that the IAS and other organizations face.

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